About the event

The event

We are pleased to announce the second 5G Conference Southeastern Europe, which will be held at the Zappeion Megaron, Athens, on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.

The event’s aim is to present 5G capabilities as well as current and future case studies and in general, to open a discussion regarding the evolution of the 5G ecosystem.

During the event, top executives from Greece and abroad will present their views and opinions regarding 5G.

After the first applications and services utilizing the first phase of 5G networks appeared, now is the time to take the next step to a mature technology. The ecosystem is being created and the synergies between the stakeholders have started to emerge.

Telecommunication providers are investing in the rapid expansion of their networks throughout the country, as well as their next-gen core infrastructures, in order to move to the era of 5G SA (Stand Alone). The 5G SA is an important development since it will allow a series of new applications to be implemented, that will utilize features such as low latency and network slicing.

At the same time, in Greece, we see a number of organizations and businesses promoting the development of private networks (campus networks) utilizing 5G to launch new, innovative operating models. Also, we see businesses from various industries seeking to use 5G in order to improve their productivity and competitiveness.

The next steps, in terms of exploiting the potential of 5G networks, will be on focus at the 5G Conference SE Europe 2023. The event aims to present the latest developments in the 5G technologies, as well as case studies from organizations and businesses that have already adopted and took advantage of 5G.

As part of the event, there will be presentations by leading executives and the main goal is to have an interaction and discussions with the participants.

The 5G Conference SE Europe 2023 includes conference events with leading content and an innovative, two-way approach to the presentations. Also, there is an exhibition where the sponsors of the event will have the opportunity to present their products, services and solutions for exploiting the potential of 5G networks.

5G mobile networks and the Greek economy

jobs in 6 years
growth in Greek GDP

Accenture study under the title «Fuel for Innovation: Greece’s Race to 5G»

New generations of wireless technology have always ushered in a wave of economic growth by improving the way people live and work. With the transition to 5G, wireless connectivity will be faster, ultra-reliable and offer higher capacity. This will open the way for new, innovative applications that fundamentally change the role that mobile technology plays in people’s lives.

Organizations that want to lead the 5G race have many decisions to make. From feasibility issues to priority use cases, new business models and strategies, organizations must navigate into a world of operational complexity while keeping on top of costs.

The right strategy - and indeed, strategic partnerships - will be vital. With this in place, businesses will be well primed to define their 5G vision and then accelerate its journey to realization.

The study «Fuel for Innovation: Greece’s Race to 5G», conducted by Accenture in Greece, highlighted the following key findings:

  • Greek consumers are aware, optimistic and enthusiastic about the potential of 5G. Security, health and cost-related issues are their top concerns.
  • Greek companies’ leaders across industries recognize the strategic importance of 5G, but they need help to imagine its possibilities and use cases.
  • Accenture’s Research econometric model estimates that the rise of 5G within the Greek economy will create an uplift of $4,18 Bn in GDP (+1,2%) in the timeframe from 2022 to 2028. In the case of collaboration, related to network deployment, GDP could further increase to $6,27 Bn. Focusing on the dimension of employment, 31.000 new jobs can be created in Greece by 2028. In the case of collaboration, the incremental employment uplift may reach 46.000 new jobs.

Reflecting on the previous findings, 5G in Greece can be an important economic growth pillar. The 5G technology being able to evolve existing communications in terms of data speed, network capacity, low latency, can also enable revolutionary applications and disruptive business models resulting in the creation of thousands of new jobs and contribute heavily to GDP uplift.

Six opportunities

The study has identified six opportunities for Greece, as a result of the development of 5G mobile networks


The 5G mobile networks can

Be an investment leverage

Accelerate the digital transformation of the sectors of the Greek economy, including the public sector

Strengthen the extroversion of the Greek economy, through the development of new business models, applications and services

Contribute to the attraction of Direct Foreign Investments, as it will soon be considered a necessary technological infrastructure

Improve the quality of the citizens' daily life

Ensure the independence from the need for physical presence, in response to the pressures exerted by the COVID-19 pandemic

2023 Sponsors

Main Sponsors

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in SE Europe

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Development by Verticom


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